No disrespect intended to anyone but the club’s Breeder Award Programs just doesn’t seem to generate the same enthusiastic participation as they once did.
It would be nice to see a more varied selection of fry, plants and invertebrates available at the monthly meetings for fellow members to take home and work with.
During last month’s Board meeting a novel idea was put forward that we hope will create some excitement.
For this year, every submission to the BAP, SAP, HAP and IAP will be rewarded with a lottery ticket given out at the Christmas party in December.
Check out the club handbook for the rules governing each program.
Point values will not mean anything, a five point fish will earn one ticket as will a twenty point fish or to simplify matters the number of tickets that you will receive will be equal to your points earned for the breeder of the year honors and added to any points awarded for HAP and IAP
Remember this is a new program it does not replaceanything that we already have.
At the Christmas party all of your tickets will be entered into a lottery and the 3 winners will receive a crisp Fifty Dollar bill.
So even if you only have one ticket in the drawing you still could come out a winner.
Get in on the action and participate !
Good Luck.